Management and Implementation Structure

Based on a common objective to expedite the certification of the FMU under Timber License T/3343 for sustainable forest management pursuant to Malaysian Timber Certification Standards of Natural Forests, the management and operation of the FMU was restructured in December 2017 to reflect the following:

a) Sarawak Timber Industries Development Corporation (STIDC) to remain the Licensee;

b) GOODMATCH SWI Sdn Bhd to be the ‘Holder of the Power of Attorney’ as well as ‘Main Contractor’ to the Licensee;

c)Solid Hartabina Sdn Bhd to be the ‘Sub-Contractor’ as well as designated Implementer of the Forest Management Certification process.

This organizational structure for the FMU (as depicted below) has been approved by the Sarawak Forest Department.

Organizational Structure

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